Monday, May 31, 2010

Dream bathroom

I'm dreaming about my ultimate bathroom. It has to has marble walls with marble floor. Then I want a his and hers areas. Finally I want lots of natural light.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Crystaaaaal Bowersoooox

Crystal Bowersox GO GO GO She's so unique and different!


American idol s9

Crystal Bowersox GO GO GO She is a real talent


Friday, May 28, 2010


I have no idea what to make for lunch I have some cheese and a bunch of hamburger buns and tomatoes leftover in the fridge... What about some grill cheese?

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Scientists create life

I read this on the internet this morning

From The Guardian : Craig Venter creates synthetic life form

Craig Venter and his team have built the genome of a bacterium from scratch and incorporated it into a cell to make what they call the world's first synthetic life form

Scientists have created the world's first synthetic life form in a landmark experiment that paves the way for designer organisms that are built rather than evolved.

The controversial feat, which has occupied 20 scientists for more than 10 years at an estimated cost of $40m, was described by one researcher as "a defining moment in biology".

Craig Venter, the pioneering US geneticist behind the experiment, said the achievement heralds the dawn of a new era in which new life is made to benefit humanity, starting with bacteria that churn out biofuels, soak up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and even manufacture vaccines.

Uh oh.. I smell ethics troubles!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

canine allergies

Damn... I think that  Buck has some allergies! Buck is litterally biting his skin away... I feel so sad for Buck! I did some research and found that he has all the symptoms they describe in thiscanine allergies website ... Not sure if I should call the vet??? They charge so much!...

Star Trek

I love watching Star Trek Deep Space Line... I'm really a geek lol! But I love it... I'm in love with that tv show!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Today in the news

By LA Times

Gulf oil spill: Interior secretary, other officials to be questioned by Congress

May 16, 2010

Monday, May 24, 2010

News of the day

By The Independant

Obama keeps pressure on BP to accept responsibility

By David Usborne, US Editor

Monday, 17 May 2010

President Obama is determined to show aggressive action

President Obama is determined to show aggressive action

Still afraid that the Gulf slick could foul not just beaches but the standing of President Barack Obama as well, the White House barked loudly at BP again this weekend releasing a letter demanding "immediate public clarification" of the company's readiness to pay all clean-up and compensation costs.

Signed by the US Secretaries of Homeland Security and Interior, Janet Napolitano and Ken Salazar, the letter is an effort to ensure that BP makes no attempt to protect itself using the $75m (£51.5m) liability cap that was set for oil companies in the event of disaster in the wake of the Exxon Valdez spill.

Mr Obama has branded as a "ridiculous spectacle" efforts by the companies involved to blame each other for the accident. Yesterday, a top aide reiterated the point. "We will continue to hold BP's feet to the fire," he said. "As the president said yesterday, he is committed to ensuring the responsible parties compensate those affected."

Related articles

    * Oil spill could be among worst ever

    * Leading article: The time to assign blame will come later

    * Search the news archive for more stories

The agitation evident at the White House comes as efforts by Democrats on Capitol Hill to pass legislation to raise the liability cap to as much as $10bn are meeting resistance from Republicans, who argue that to do so would make it too risky for anyone but the biggest energy companies to drill in the Gulf.

"Unfortunately, Republicans blocked that measure on the floor opting to stand up for oil companies and leave taxpayers on the hook to bail them out," said Jim Manley, spokesman for the Senate Majority leader, Harry Reid.

On the defensive yesterday, Republicans said an increase in the liability cap may be moot because they believe BP when it says it will pay for everything. "The BP people repeatedly stated at the hearing and have told me personally, they are going to be responsible for all legitimate claims that are made against them. So I think we need to watch that closely," Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama said.

But it is precisely to pin down BP to those spoken commitments that the White House sent the letter to BP on Saturday and then released its contents to the American media.

"We understand that BP will not in any way seek to rely on the potential $75m statutory cap to refuse to provide compensation to any individuals or others harmed by the oil spill, even if more than $75m is required to provide full compensation... and BP will not seek reimbursement from American taxpayers," the letter aid. The secretary signatories added that "in the event that our understanding is inaccurate, we request public clarification of BP's true intentions".

With hearings set to continue on Capitol Hill this week, fresh heat will be directed at the government and particularly at Mr Salazar – the Interior Secretary – who will testify tomorrow. There have been a string of revelations pointing to the lax imposition of environmental regulations on BP and other oil companies.

Last week, Mr Salazar proposed splitting the Mineral Management Services agency, a part of his department, which until now has collected royalties for wells from oil companies and imposed controls on them, an arrangement filled with conflicts of interest.


I'm walking on sunshine yyeeeyyeee  It's sunny and nice out! Woohoo!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Watching TV

Tonight we are watching Desperate Housewives .This is a really good


Cool I did a chin-up yesterday :)

Young Professional Association meeting

I'm attending a Young Professional Association event today. It's kinda cool. They're inviting a few business men. I hope I will make some good business contacts!


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

designer sample sale!

I am getting dressed to go to the Nicole Miller sample sale, I am so happy. I love Nicole Miller stuff!



We ran the Bank Life 10km in 1:00:32 without stopping!  You were all so awesome, thank you to my super family for coming out in the so far and the numerous calls and msgs  to give us lots support, I highly appreciated!